
Animal Farm Restlessness Essay

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Animal Farm Restlessness Essay
The animals on the farm feel restless and held down due to Mr.Jones’s unacceptable restrictions on the farm society.The restlessness that arose inside the animals can be credited to the factor of how when “the very instant that [the animals] usefulness [comes] to an end [the animals] are slaughtered with hideous cruelty.”(2). It can be seen that the animals also can be shown to be caused by how “[the animals] lives are miserable, laborious, and short”(2) also depicting how bad and uncomfortable the animals lives are. the pent up anger inside the animals is shown and released in the quote as they learn how they are simply used and mistreated their entire lives, and not even then will they be killed with respect but with the utmost disrespect as they are quickly and violently put down. …show more content…
The animals realize their problem at hand as they are aware that “No animal in England knows the meaning of happiness or leisure after he is a year old”(2), furthermore, the animals also speak about how “Man is the only real enemy we have”(2).The idea of how the animals know who their enemy is and how they must stop it shows that the animals do not want to be pent up like animals anymore, they want to be free like humans and become wholesome in order to live in harmony. The animals now must decide how to spark a rebellion and how to carry out their rebellion. Overall, the animals knowledge of who their enemy is causes them to plan accordingly and for them to use their pent-up restlessness and anger towards the fight for freedom for the

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