1.What do you mean by Plant breeding?
Ans: The science of improving the genetic make up of crop plants in relation to their economic use.
******2.Define hybridization.
The crossing between genetically dissimilar plants. It is the best method of crop improvement. 3.What is genetic manipulation? How is it useful in agricultural practices? Ans: Genetic manipulation is a process where the gene for a particular character is introduced inside the chromosome of a cell. When the gene for a particular character is introduced in a plant cell, a transgenic plant is produced. These transgenic plants exhibit characters governed by the newly introduced gene. For example, let us assume there is a wild plant that produces small fruits. If the gene responsible for a larger fruit size is introduced in this plant, this plant becomes transgenic, and starts producing larger fruits. Similarly, genes for higher yield, disease resistance, etc. can be introduced in any desired plant. Therefore, gene manipulation plays an important role in agricultural practices. It helps in improving crop variety. It ensures food security and insect resistant crops. It also improves the quality and yield of crops.
*****4.Define animal husbandry.
It is the scientific management of farm animals dealing with their feeding, shelter, health and breeding.
*****5.Mention the scientific name of two dairy animals.
Ans: Bos indicus(cow), Bos bubalis(buffaloes)
******6.Prepare a table showing indigenous, exotic and cross breeds of cattles Indigenous | Exotic | Cross breeds | Gir, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi | Jersey, Brown Swiss,Holstein-Friesian | Friesian-sahiwal or Frieswal, karan- Fries |
*******7. What do you mean by lactation period?
Lactation period is the period during which dairy animals produce milk; this is between birth of a young one and the next pregnancy.
*******8.Give a brief explanation on the food requirement of dairy animals.
Food requirement is of two types:
a)Maintenance requirement: consisting of food required to support the basic functions of animal life.
b)Milk producing requirement: consisting of food required during lactation period.
Feed of dairy animals generally contains of two types of substances- roughage and concentrates
Roughage consists of coarse and fibrous substances having low nutrient content, mainly from hay, and fodders like barseem, maize, bajra etc
Concentrate food: Food rich in one or more nutrient( like carbohydrates, fats, proteins minerals and vitamins) and low in fibres are provided by cotton seeds, oil seeds, oil cakes and cereal grains like gram and bajra. Additive feeds: Special feeds given to dairy animals they help increase milk productions and protect against diseases. Example hormones, antibiotics.
9. What are the major symptoms of cattle diseases? Mention the name of any three diseases.
i)the animal stops eating and become lethargic ii)the animal shivers with high temperature iii)the animal passes loose dung and coloured urine iv)the lips and ears of the animal droops
v)the animal shows excessive formation of saliva
Foot and mouth diseases(virus), Anthrax(bacteria), Ringworm(fungi)
10.What are the preventive measures of cattle diseases?
Ans:i)Providing proper shelter ii)Ensure animal hygiene and propel disposal of dead animals and animal waste. iii)Providing proper diet and suitable medicines iv)Compulsory vaccination
******11.Prepare a table showing indigenous, exotic and cross breeds of fowls. Indigenous | Exotic | Aseel, Burssa, Kadaknath,Brahma | Leghorn,Rhode Island Red, Plymouth | ******12.What management practices are common in dairy and poultry farming? Answer: Common management practices in dairy and poultry farming are: (i) Proper shelter facilities and their regular cleaning. (ii) Some basic hygienic conditions such as clean water, nutritious food, etc. (iii) Animals are kept in spacious, airy, and ventilated place. (iv) Prevention and cure of diseases at the right time is ensured. *****13.What are the differences between broilers and layers and in their management? Answer: Layers are meant for egg production, whereas broilers are meant for poultry meat.Nutritional, environmental, and housing conditions required by broilers are different from those required by egg layers. A broiler chicken, for their proper growth, requires vitamin rich supplements especially vitamin A and K. Also, their diet includes protein rich food and enough fat. They also require extra care and maintenance to increase their survival rate in comparison to egg layers. ******14. What desirable traits are focused to develop by cross breeding indigenous and exotic breeds of fowls? i)good quantity and quality of chicks ii)low maintenance requirement iii)dwarf broiler parent for commercial chick production for summer adaptation capacity(tolerance to high temperature) iv)improvement in hen housed for egg production and ability of egg layer to utilize more fibrous cheap diet consisting of agricultural by products. 15.Discuss the implications of the following statement: “It is interesting to note that poultry is India’s most efficient converter of low fibre food stuff (which is unfit for human consumption) into highly nutritious animal protein food.” Ans: Poultry in India is the most efficient converter of low fibre food stuff into highly nutritious animal protein food. In poultry farming, domestic fowls are raised to produce eggs and chicken. For this, the fowls are given animal feeds in the form of roughage, which mainly consists of fibres. Thus, by feeding animals a fibre rich diet, the poultry gives highly nutritious food in the form of eggs and chicken. ******16. How can we control the diseases in fowls? Diseases can be controlled by preventive measures like proper cleaning, sanitation, spraying of disinfectant at regular intervals, proper feed and timely vaccination. Appropriate vaccination can prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases and reduce loss of poultry during an outbreak of disease. 17.Name few Indian and exotic varieties of fresh water fish Indian Fresh water fish-Catla, Rohu, Mrigal Exotic Fresh water fish-Silver carp, Common carp, Grass carp *****18.How are fish obtained? Ans: Fish can be obtained by two ways: (i) Capture fishing: It is the process of obtaining fish from natural resources. (ii) Culture fishery: It is the practice of farming fishes. Farming can be done in both freshwater ecosystem (which includes river water, pond water) and marine ecosystem. ******19. What are the advantages of composite fish culture Ans: An advantage of composite fish culture is that it increases the yield of fish. In a composite fish culture, five or six different species are grown together in a single fish pond. Fishes with different food habitats are chosen so that they do not compete for food among themselves. Also, this ensures a complete utilization of food resources in the pond. As a result, the survival rate of fish increases and their yield also increases. *******20. What are the desirable characters of bee varieties suitable for honey production? Answer: Bee varieties having the following desirable characters are suitable for honey production: (i) They should yield high quantity of honey. (ii) They should not sting much. (iii) They should stay in the beehive for long durations. (iv) They should breed very well. ******21What is pasturage and how is it related to honey production? Answer: Pasturage is the availability of flowers from which bees collect nectar and pollen. It is related to the production of honey as it determines the taste and quantity of honey.
******22.Prepare a table showing indigenous, exotic and cross breeds of honey bees Indigenous | Exotic | Apis cerana indica, Apis dorsata, Apis florae | Apis mellifera(Italian bee) | *******23.What are the advantages of Italian bee? i)Has high honey collection capacity ii)Stings less iii)Stays in given beehive for longer periods and breeds well.