Why are some gmos not tested very good? It is because they want to get it out there as fast as possible so it can make them money. They look for big health issues not minor health issues. When they test it there may be some issues but they still may pass it. Some GM foods cause problems in animals but they still pass it. Sometimes it's just that they don't know enough about GM foods. Tests cannot guarantee That a GM crop will not cause allergies. StarLink corn, considered potentially allergenic by the US EPA, was approved as …show more content…
Some things don’t go together like they think it will. It also depends where you insert the gene it may do different things if it's in another place. For example one study using a micro-array gene chip found that 5% of the host’s genes changed their levels of expression after a single gene was inserted. The changes, which are in addition to the deletions and mutations already discussed, are not predictable and have not been fully investigated in the GM crops on the market. These massive changes may have multiple health-related effects. There are promoters and they may switch on harmful genes. An example of this is Promoters are switches that turn on genes. The promoter used in almost nearly all GM crops is designed to permanently turn on the foreign gene at high output. Although scientists had claimed that the promoter would only turn on the foreign gene, it can accidently turn on other natural plant genes permanently. These genes may overproduce an allergen, toxin, carcinogen, antinutrient, or regulators that block other