Cheetahs: Physical Characteristics Cheetahs are the fastest animals in the world they are able to reach speeds of 112kmph but only for short distances.The average cheetah weighs around 50 to 60kg. Also has a height of 70-90 cm and a length of 112-135cm. The cheetah is light brown and its covered with round black spots.
Behavioral Characteristics:
Cheetahs will usually live by themselves or in small groups Females establish large territories and defend them against intruding females. Males also establish territories, but they are generally smaller and overlap into the female territories. These territories will change over time, especially during drought, because cheetahs will follow their prey.Cheetah's are the only large cats that do not roar. However, they are able to purr, which is common when greeting a known individual. An assortment of sounds are used during different situations. They can bark, chirp, and make several distinct noises that resemble that of birds.
Young cheetahs are the ones at most risk of being prey. Cheetah cubs have many enemies among other predators: Lions, Leopards, Hyenas, wild dogs, or even Eagles. However, a healthy adult cheetah has few enemies because of its speed.
What it eats :
Cheetahs are carnivorous, and their favorite meal is usually gazelles. There are other sorts of game available for cheetahs depending on where they are in their range. Meat is the main food of their diet, and they can take it in themselves easily. They usually go a couple of days without eating unless the animal is female and either pregnant . Then the kill rate is one deer per day. They are the quickest animals on earth and can kill quickly by suffocation, by biting down on the spine and windpipe of the prey. Many prey animals are