chamber. Cows are also slaughtered very inhumanely. Cows are ushered into a chamber in the slaughter facility where the roof will slowly start coming down. The falling roof is designed to crush the spines of the cow, killing it. Due to the large amount of animals in the chamber, the process is quite slow and some smaller cows can survive. If a cow survives it will be zapped to death. Also all the animals are subjected to abuse as the factory workers have no idea how to control the animal. This is a very inhumane way to end the lives of the beings we decide to eat every day.
A more humane alternative that is gaining popularity is the shock method.
This method involves the animal, usually a pig or cow, to get a quick and powerful electrical shock to the forehead or temple. This shuts the brain down instantaneously, killing the animal. If the animal survives, the shock knocks it unconscious. While unconscious the animal will then be shocked again or have its throat slit. The downside to this method is that it takes much longer to accomplish and can only be used on larger animals. Also this allows the animal to develop Last Pig Syndrome. Last pig syndrome refers to the behavior of the last animal in the enclosure of the slaughterhouse. Farm animals, especially pigs, are very social and they are used to being in large groups. When they are the only animal in the pen, they go insane. They try frantically to escape, usually causing harm to the pig and damaging the pen. Pigs have even be known to break limbs and cause thousands of dollars of
Although there are not ways that can be perfectly humane to the animal, there are ways that we can improve our system to be kinder to the beings that we need to consume to survive.