Animal experimentation is an issue that many think that just risen from nowhere, but actually it has a long brief history. It goes back to the earlier centuries where goats and pigs were dissected and when animal experimentation was used to learn more about the blood circulatory system and its processes first hand in the 1600s. Centuries later, the experimentations became a bit intensive and in-depth when French chemist, Louis Pasteur infected sheep with anthrax and started to observe them to prove germ theories. This successful experiment proved that infections do not start suddenly or without a reason. This was quite an achievement because it proved that infections do not start suddenly or without cause. (Lloyd par.1) Since then testing varied greatly it still remains the similar concept. Today animal testing is utilized in make-up or other recreational use but typically, animal testing is used in the medical field for research and to learn information on how human bodies function. Although benefitting many people, they see it as cruel for the animal to be put through test after test to prove a theory. Animal testing is a controversial topic which benefits humans greatly and should be justified but, may not be necessary due to different alternatives. There are four types of testing, or research done on animals. These are known as pure research, applied research, toxicology, and drug testing. In pure research all they do is than examining organisms and how they develop, behave, and function for extra knowledge. This is used in breeding, and behavioral experiments mostly. Applied research studies issues such as disease. This is used usually when involving genetics. “Genes may be inserted, removed, or modified, to cause the animal to exhibit symptoms which mimic a certain disease.” (Lloyd par.1) This means, in order to find out information about the disease, scientists actually
Cited: Archibald, K. (2005) Animal testing: Science or fiction? Global Action Network. Retrieved from html Barnard, N. (2007, March). Animal testing? Vegetarian Times, (348), 19-21. Retrieved 2011 November 27 from Academic Search Complete database. Blue, L. (2008, June 17) How much does animal testing tell us? Time. Retrieved from,8599,1815241,00.html Lloyd, E. (2008, November 27) Animal experimentation: Uses of animals in research. Retrieved (2011, November 27) .. "Animal Testing." WordIQ. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec 2011. Retrieved (2011, November 27)