Issue: Used for food First, I would like to muse on several of the facts about animals being used for food.
• There are several reasons why people are cutting meat out of their lives. Because I am both an omnivore and an animal rights advocate, I have come to face the conflicting issue of my own eating habits. But here is what I have had to consider in order to gradually be eliminating my meat consumption. • CRUELTY: More than 16 billion animals who are killed for food every year in the U.S. have little legal protection from cruelty. They are neglected, mutilated, genetically manipulated, & put on drug regimens that cause chronic pain and crippling. They are transported through all weather extremes, and killed in gruesome and violent ways. For example, dairy farm workers cut off cow’s tails to make milking easier, burn off their horns, strike them with poles, and inject them with hormones that painfully inflame their udders. • If you wouldn’t eat a dog or cat, for example, why eat a pig or a cow? Dogs and pigs have the same capacity to feel pain, but there is prejudice based on species that allows us to think of one animal as a companion and the other as dinner. Most people don't know that pigs are very similar to “man's best friend”. Pigs are friendly, loyal, and very