
Anne Frank Response

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Annelies Marie Frank is one of the most well known Jewish Holocaust victims because of the book that was published called, “The Diary of a Young Girl.” This book is a diary that she was writing in during the time when she was hiding from the Nazis with her family and the Van Daan family from 1942 to 1944. There has been a play based off the book called “The Diary of Anne Frank” and at the end, Anne states, “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” I think that Anne felt this way during her ordeal because she is an independent thinker and a kind spirited person. What this reveals about her character is that she is a giving person, caring person, an optimistic person, and she’s the type of girl who doesn’t …show more content…

During one section of the play, this really showed when it was Hanukkah and everyone thought they wouldn’t get any presents until Anne surprised everyone with presents. When Anne was giving everyone presents, she explained to them how she made or got them. To Mrs. Van Daan, she told her, “It’s hair shampoo. I took all the odds and ends of soap and mixed them with the last of my toilet water.” It was so nice of Anne to use the last of her toilet water. Afterward, Anne gave her mother a present. While giving her mother the present, she told her mother, “For mother, Hanukkah greeting.” Anne gave her mother a piece of paper that said, “Here’s an I.O.U. that I promise to pay. Ten hours of doing whatever you say. Signed, Anne Frank.” It was so nice of Anne to give her mother permission to tell her whatever she says, especially when Anne didn’t have a good relationship with her mother. Mr. Frank thought there wouldn’t be any presents left, but he was wrong. She gave the presents to her father and stated, “It’s a muffler… to put round your neck… like an ascot, you know. I made it out of odds and ends... I knitted it in the dark each night, after I’d gone to bed. I’m afraid it looks better in the dark!” It was incredibly thoughtful of her to spend her time knitting his present when she should have been sleeping and getting …show more content…

Her family was getting ready to leave so they could go into hiding the next day. The next day, Anne told her father, “I slept, father. Wasn’t that funny?” I knew it was the last night in my own bed, and yet I slept soundly.” Anne wasn’t too scared, or nervous to sleep. She was very cheerful about it. When everyone got to the annex, everyone was tired, but Anne because she actually slept. Her mother and sister were going to get some rest and her mother asked if she needed to get some rest. Anne responded by saying, “ I feel fine. I’m going to help father.” She had the chance to complain, but she didn’t, and along with that, she wanted to help her father. Lastly, at another point in the play, Anne was talking to Peter and asking why he wasn’t wearing the star. He explained how they weren’t going anywhere, so responded by saying, “Why of course! You’re right! Of course we don’t need them anymore!” She seemed so buoyant with her

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