Teacher: Rejendra Kumar
Student: Anderson Olascoaga Zavaleta
ID student: 0704IBIB0409
Date: 17/09/2010
Question a. Do you think it is a good idea on the part of any management to award employees with merit issues? Why or why not? Discuss and debate. What factors should management consider in your opinion? Substantiate with many relevant organizational examples (Discussion on how to motivate employees at the workplace should be seen as it has become a challenge for employers today. Some Employers do give ESOP, Profit sharing, Scanlon plan, Annual Bonus, Gain sharing and Merit plans. Give relevant examples).
Awarding good performance of the employees is a method that almost all the companies around the word do in the sense of improve the performance of the company’s.
An important issue for the companies is developing and implementing strategies, policies and systems to increase the opportunity to achieve its objectives by increasing the commitment and motivation of the employees.
The most important aim to recognize and reward employees is that it carries out good understanding and judgment.
It helps organizations to do the following: * Increase their revenues and profits * Keep their best employees and enlist top new talent * Stimulate peak performance from all their employees
(Deeprose, 2007)
Recognition Awards
Recognition give employees something that they appreciate at modes cost. Currently nine out of ten organizations give recognition awards, and half are planning adding new awards before long. The most frequently reasons to give these are producing a good work environment.
Percentage (%) of Organizations Offering Recognition Awards
Also know as incentives, it is compensation connected to
Bibliography: 2. Robert L. Mathis John H. Jackson (1999), Human Resource Management, 9th Edition, Thomson South-Western, p 458- p227 3 4. Michael Armstrong, (2002), Employee reward, 3rd Edition, CIPD House, London, p326-p340 5 6. Michael Armstrong, (2010), A handbook of human resource management practice, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicantion Data, United Kingdom, p366-p368 7 8. Stefanie Hoffmann, (2006), Classical Motivation Theories - Similarities and Differences Between Them, GRIN Verlag, Germany, p11 Web pages 1. TIME magazine (1955) MANAGEMENT: The Scanlon Plan.[Online] Available from: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,807657-1,00.html [Accessed 18 October 2010] 2. SAGE journals online (1998)Case Study Gainsharing Plan Spurs Record Productivity and Payouts at Ameri Steel. [Online] Available from: http://cbr.sagepub.com/content/30/6/46.abstract [Accessed 18 October 2010]