Sneaking away with these materials, we began! The materials are laid throughout the trampoline. Courtney believed she could kill these ants with a recipe she seen her dad making. She runs and finds a large orange …show more content…
home depot bucket to mix everything together. First, we start off with bleach and the laundry detergent. She mixes about a ½ cup of green ocean breeze laundry detergent into the bucket, next she adds a large amount of bleach. After those we randomly start throwing in the rest of the materials in the bucket, creating a foamy/slimy, cream brown solution.
Proceeding to the ant hills, we vigorously dump the solution on all three hills.
While dumping the solution, a spark of wind comes flooding through and the solution comes falling back on us. At first, we didn’t think anything of it and proceeded. Once we got back to the trampoline we noticed are skin starting to itch and burn. I started freaking out and knocked over the bucket on the trampoline causing the solution to burn holes in the trampoline. Courtney franticly runs into the house to my dad crying out, I follow behind her. We explained to my dad what we had done while crying in pain. He then explained that we were going to have holes in our skin and you would be able to see through the skin on both sides. I started to panic more and my dad kept going on about what was going to happen to us. He finally told us to take a shower, so one by one we go. As I was in the shower I scrubbed for a solid
Finally, we were both finished showering and cleaning up. We had stopped feeling the incrusiating pain. Courtney and I built up the courage to apologize to my dad for messing with his things. After the night was over, he told us that everything he said was just a fib and we will live. We were both very thankful the way things turned out. Till this day, Courtney and I will always leave our father’s things alone, after learning a valuable lesson through a rough experience.