Culture is a way of life of a group of people in a community, the way they live, dress, dance or eat. It is tangible and intangible in nature. The tangible aspects are the things that can be touched or felt such as buildings, music, drama and even food. The intangible aspects are the things that cannot be touched or felt. Eg. Festival, rituals chieftaincy, etc.
All over the world there wouldn’t be any place where culture is not recognized. Culture also comes in different forms, has its importance, values and others that make it accepted by most people. Culture when practised to its fullness becomes accepted in the society. It promotes tourism by attracting people from different parts of the world to come and have a feel of it. It helps in national development and also brings recognition to individuals living within a community or society.
Everywhere you go in the world there is a culture which comes in different forms. For instance the Indians have their culture which they cherish so much and have become part of them being preserved for future generations. The Americans also have theirs they honour. Africans also have rich cultures that make them unique anywhere they find themselves in the world.
Some cultural practices since their initiation have not been accepted by the society and have outweighed their values and importance because of its combination and some believes attached to it. In Ghana the argument about the female circumcision and its practice, by the Northern people has outweigh its value to society and has been considered as unhygienic and unacceptable.
Ghanaians have a culture, and there are over sixty ethnics groups ranging from Sisala, Dagomba, Gas, Akans, Fantes, Fifty-two major languages like Twi, Anlo, Ga, Wala etc. and hundreds of dialects spoken. These all come with different cultures that are very unique. These ethnic groups have varied cultures which include naming ceremonies, marriage ceremonies, funerals,