Antifeedant properties of different plant products and organics against S. litura under laboratory condition
A laboratory study on bio efficacy of organic pesticides, indigenous plant extracts, bio pesticides and commercial neem oil were evaluated against third instar larvae of tobacco caterpillar to know the antifeedant properties of organics at Main Agricultural Research Station, Raichur during 2010-11. On 24 hours after treatment imposition no leaf feeding by S.litura was observed in commercial neem treatment and indicated its statistical superiority over rest of the treatments and was followed by NSKE 5 per cent where in 21.12 per cent leaf area wasfed, which also proved its statistical superiority over rest of the biorationals in having antifeedant property..The …show more content…
This fine powder and water were mixed in equal volume (1:1) in required quantity. Then the mixture was kept overnight to soak to obtain the extract. In the morning, soaked material was squeezed by using muslin cloth and obtained extract was considered as pure concentrated extract. To obtain 2 per cent concentration of sweet flag extract, 2 ml of pure extract was mixed with 98 per cent of water and 0.5 g soap was added to get 2 per cent sweet flag extract.
Panchapatta (5%) V. negundo, Nilgiri, besharmi, Neem and custard apple leaves were crushed and kept in plastic barrel and water was put at three inch above all these ingredients in the barrel. The mixture was stirred twice a day and same procedure was continued for 30 days and after 30 days the material was filtered through muslin cloth and stored in well aerated place and used for spraying by adding 4 gm of jaggery and 1 g of Asafoetida powder before 3 hours of application.
Table 1. Details of plant species used for preparation of