I disagree with California Ban on the word ‘Redskins.” I disagree because Native Americans are the only one making it a bad name. No one else is using Redskins in a bad way or even thinks of it in a bad way. All reskins means is that someone skin has a red tint. It’s names of many schools and some famous sports teams and they shouldn’t have to change their name because Native Americans think of it in a bad way. Everyone who has had to change their name because of California ban should get to change it back. Schools and sorts teams now have to change their mascot, their name and if it’s a school they might even have to change their company. I disagree with California’s ban and I’m sticking with that.
Some of the kay points
that were made in the articles I agree with. I agree that saying “a Jew” and “blacks” is offensive. Those are offensive because saying “blacks” is like being called “a dog”. Saying “a Jew” is offensive to their religion. Redskins is not offensive it’s celebrated by many schools, teams and fans. Native Americans should by proud that they’re being celebrated. Instead of turning something completely not harmless they make it bad.
Soon so any words that you or me would think are perfectly fine, someone is going to say its offensive. Then if you use it you’re suddenly a bad person. All of this is getting out of head with every other word we becoming offensive. I don’t agree with any of the key points about the name “Redskins” being offensive. Everyday words need to stop becoming offensive.