Conservative authoritarianism: Both conservative and radical dictatorships wept through Europe in the 20s and 30s. Conservative dictatorships were quite old and the new dictatorships were totalitarian. Traditional form of antidemocratic government was conserve. authoritarianism (which prevented major changes that would undermine existing order, had limited power). Relied on bureaucracies, police, and armies. Liberals, democrats, and socialists were persecuted as radicals. C.A. limited their demands to taxes, army recruits, and passive acceptance. Only Czecho was liberal in political. Parliamentary regime were founded but lands lacked a self government necessary restraint and compromise. Dictatorship appealed to nationalists and military leaders as a way to repress tensions and preserve national unity. People were more concerned with maintaining the status quo than with forcing rapid change or war.
Radical totalitarian dictatorships:
Mainly in central and eastern Europe and emerged in USSR, Germany, and Italy. It was believed that it rejected parliamentary restraint and liberal values. These dictatorships controlled over the masses and sought to mobilize them. Mussolini spike of the “free totalitarian will”. People linked Italian and German fascism with USSR communism. There was an Alliance with Stalin and Hitler in 1929. The war called forth tendency to subordinate all intuitions and classes to achieve victory. The Nature of Modern war (Fascism, Nazism, and Communism). Lenin carried WW1 in the Russian civil war. Lenin showed how a dedicated minority could achieve victory over a less determined majority. Lenin inspired Hitler. Totalitarian states used modern technology and communications to exercise complete political power. State took over and tried to control economy, social, intellectual, and cultural lives. Vision of total state represented a revolt against liberalism. Tot. Leaders did not believe in liberalism and