Student’s Name
College Name
Professor’s Name
Course Name
Date you hand in this paper
The second page contains an Abstract - If your instructor requires one, include an abstract on the second page. An abstract is a summary of your paper in 120 words or less. Center the word Abstract one inch from the top of the page. The abstract should be a single paragraph without indentation. Delete this text below the word Abstract and type in your abstract.
Type in the Full Title of Your Paper Here
Start typing in your paper here. When you type in your paper, the first line of every paragraph must be indented by ½ an inch. This is called a first line indent. Delete this text below the title and start typing in your paper.
The References page is the last page on your paper. This should be a new page and the word References should appear at the top of the page. The title should also be centered.
Only include works used in paper on your works cited page and each work should be listed alphabetically by last name.
Delete the text below the word References and start typing in your citations here using the APA style. Notice that if the citation takes up more than one line, the remaining lines in the citation are indented by ½ an inch. This is called a hanging indent. Please consult the BCCC Library’s handout on creating your