In college there is a research paper that you can make which is called APA style. APA style is known as,
“American Psychological Association”(APA). But with (APA) it is mostly used to cite sources like
psychology, education, or social sciences. It was first thought of in 1929 and is still being used today.
But with APA, it is used all over by many universities, and colleges. It also states that it was developed to
assist comprehension in the social science, and in the behavioral science, but is for clarity of
communication and used as a “word choice that reduces bias in language.” APA is widely used among
many people entirely, or with modifications. It’s also a major style regimes for such work ( …show more content…
You will need to have your,
Title page which is for your running head,the title, author name, and the school affiliation. But with the
title you will want to center your title, and position it to the middle (1-3 lines). Always capitalize the
first letter to major words tho, but if you have a colon (;) remember to capitalize the first letter after the
colon. Then your tittle should always be about what your paper is about.Next would be abstract which is
when you make a brief summary of a paper, from one hundred and fifty words to two hundred and fifty
words. Then with abstract you want to center the word abstract at the top of your next paper. It must be
at least hundred fifty to two hundred and fifty words in one paragraph. But it is best to create abstract
when you’re done with your paper.
Then after that would be your main body but that is your actual essay you are doing. After would be the
reference with citations to where you got your information from.when doing a reference include the
author’s name followed by date of the publication, (but the extended information should be