one begin to succeed and progress. The Han Dynasty was the first dynasty to use the teaching of Confucius and made China into a Confucian state. During the Han dynasty, all other ethical and philosophical system were tossed away under the rule of Emperor Han Wudi. The people were only allowed to learn the teachings of Confucianism. The Emperor had obtain some knowledge from Confucius that was thought to have been destroyed in the Qin Dynasty. And used this stood out among the rest of the emperors by following a different set of idea. The change in ideas benefited the Han dynasty when it came to intellegince and knowledge. The rulers of the Han Dynasty learned that ruling the country was more efficient if done other a moral and ethical bases. This
The matter of intelligence spread to the process in which the people obtained or were given jobs.
Before, people were able to obtain a certain job even if they didn’t know how to efficiently do that specific job. The rulers of the Han Dynasty realized this and developed an exam to test the people on their skills and abilities. The results of the exam determined what job they would be given by the emperors. Those who stood out among the rest, and were more intelligent, were given better jobs. This exam further supports Confucius’s aphorism because it encourages the people to study so that they test better than their peers and be placed in a higher position. It inspires people to learn and those who focus on obtaining knowledge are rewards for their pursuit of …show more content…
It is portrayed that education is needed to help one create a successful civilization, for the ruler and the citizens.
It would be difficult to rule over those who are ignorant because they would not be able to sustain the civilization the ruler created. The same goes for a ignorant leader. He would not be able to keep the people under control if he does not have the proper knowledge. "The only way for the superior man to civilize the people and establish good customs is through education" (Yutang 1958). The only way that a man can rule others is that he, himself, is educated. And in turn, he must educate all the people under his reign. It is also stated that one has to learn and study everything in life and be able to look at everything with a philosophical view. (Yutang, 1958). Confucius believed that you had to study everything and still be able to question everything that you have learned. That way you will be able to gain true intelligence and become truly educated. A man that accepts everything that he was taught without question will once again fall into the group mentality of his peers. Thus making it impossible to gain any new knowledge. As written by Confucius, "Only one who is able to couple thought with scholarship is a really educated man" (Yutang
Confucius believed that all men are born with the potential to learn and gain knowledge. It is those who actually seek this knowledge that rise from amongst their peers and become successful. This is shown in the Han Dynasty with their use of the exam to place skilled people in a position best suited to their abilities. Thus helping the Han Dynasty become more successful and efficient. Confucius, as a teacher, valued education and believed it to be a key aspect to the developed of a prosperous country. The aphorism from Confucius has shown throughout China’s intellectual history to be very important to the success of the country and its people.