In each condition, Appearance Evaluation and Body Areas Satisfaction Scale scores was transformed into Z-scores before summed and averaged into a single measure of appearance evaluation in accordance with the MBSRQ Users’ Manual (Cash, 2000). Checking for univariate outliers in the numeric rating scales (BAS-2, MBSRQ-AS, RSES) and subscales (AE, BASS) was done separately on the condition 1 and condition 2 dataset. Outliers was defined as scores above the sum of the interquartile range (IQR) multiplied with a factor of 1.5 added to the 75 % IQR value, or below the difference of subtracting the IQR times 1.5 from the 25 % IQR value. No univariate outliers were identified in either condition.
Reliability of Rating Scale Scores
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However, body satisfaction words have a slightly stronger positive correlation with the BAS-2 (r = .46), than body appreciation words (r = .44). Controlling for the MBSRQ-AS in a partial correlation between body appreciation words and the BAS-2 renders it insignificant. Meanwhile, using the BAS-2 as a covariate in correlating body satisfaction words and the MBSRQ-AS lowers the R-value but retains significance. It is worth noting that the RSES is significantly correlated to both body appreciation words (r = .29) and body satisfaction words (r = .40), but that the relationship is not significant when controlling for other rating scales and valence. Thus, words generated by condition 2 participants have discriminant validity between body image and self-esteem, but not between body image constructs.
Pearson’s correlation with and without covariates on the body appreciation words and scale scores show that high body appreciation norm is the only variable in an unmediated relationship (Figure 2a). The low norm SSS are mediated by each other, and all significant word-to-rating scale correlations is mediated by valence, which in turn is in an intermediated relationship with both bipolar SSS. This concludes that the high appreciation SSS, unipolar low norm SSS, and associates of valence target different aspects of the body appreciation words