Building Strong Brands ( brand equity )
Apple is a powerful brand and also has high brand equity. Apple has high level of consumer brand awareness and good profitable customer relationship as the Apple products have provided high quality, innovation, design and creativity.
Building Strong Brands ( Major Brand Strategy Decision ) A) Brand positioning
Apple products are different from other competitors. Therefore, Apple products do not have product attributes.
The Apple product benefit is the Apple products have high quality of goods and services. For example, Apple Inc. requires each of its suppliers to meet the highest standards for all goods and services in order to produce a high standard of products and service to customers.
The beliefs and value of Apple products is the Apple Inc. built on innovation and creativity, providing new or modified products that were needed by customers. Furthermore, the company is more concern in solving customer problems, and will not compromise our ethics or integrity in the name of profit. So, it offers superior products that fill real needs and provide lasting value. B) Brand Name Selection
The brand name of Apple is an easy to pronounce, recognize and remember since it is a national wide brand. Once the people think about Apple brand name, they will automatically think about the superior of electrical products. C) Brand Sponsorship
The Apple Inc. is a manufacturer`s brand, also called national brand. The Apple Inc. sells their output under their own manufacturer’s brand names as Apple. The products all around the world are selling under the brand name of Apple. D) Brand Development Strategies
The brand development strategies used by the Apple Company is brand extension. Brand extension is using a successful brand name to launch a new or modified product in a new category. Apple brand are known for "thinking different" and therefore setting an expectation of