There a various methods of job advertisement these include that Greggs could use to advertise the position of Team member, they could advertise it internally by using the staff intranet for example, sending an email to all staff or advertising it on the staff notice board, this is simple cheap and very time efficient to do as Greggs can get an employee to write an advertisement up and post it on the same day. There are external ways to advertise the vacancy at Greggs like through their website this way the public can apply for their jobs all through the same process and it is easier to access and easier to use for the Greggs itself as they are in direct control of the recruitment process and seeing who is applying. Greggs could also advertise through the Job centre, this is government a based programme which means it is free to use, it can also be used nationally or locally this means that Greggs have can choose to have a very large recruitment pool if they wanted. They could advertise through a Recruitment Agency, it does cost however they have specialist staff to find the best person for the job which means Greggs can be very specific over who they choose to recruit, They could also advertise in a newspaper, locally or nationally, this will give the job vacancy plenty of candidates as it will be advertised to a big audience. A job advert should contain: the name of the position that is vacant, this is to show people exactly what they may apply for, it should also contain basic information about the job role for example a team member will be required to serve customers and prepare food, If the person looking to apply cannot fulfil those tasks they will not apply and Greggs won't have to waste time looking at their application, The advert will also have the location and address of the vacancy, it will also contain the wage or salary information it will also tell the candidate whether any bonuses can be earned and the