Pre-destination can often bring up the
question as to whether we as humans
control our own actions. Are we free to
make our own choices, or is everything we
do pre-determined by a supernatural being
of some sort? Is it safe to say that we
are responsible for our own choices? Do
we own a free will that allows us to
choose our life path, or are our actions
pre-determined, making our exertions
useless? In a society that believes in a
God who is in control of our lives, this
is a difficult question and problem to
discuss. But through a series of
questions, arguments, and examinations I
hope to influence you that we do have a
free will and are quite able to make our
own choices.
To begin to answer the questions stated
in my introduction, we must first cut the
fat off the widely used definition of
choice. Defining choice in this
situation can be a difficult task. One
must be careful in using this word. A
popular definition of choice could be a
mental process through which an
individual weighs the consequences of
their actions to create an ideal image of
their preference to the outcome of their
actions. But, when you look at this
definition you see that it suggests that
someone who fails to carefully analyze
their actions doesn抰 actually make
choices. Can we assume by this
definition that choices are free? I
believe we can say yes because according
to this definition if we do carefully
analyze our actions we create the outcome
that we choose. On the other hand some
people may say no. They may say that if
we do not reflect carefully on our
actions, we are not taking responsibility
for them, leaving the cause of the action
to some other force. So, in essence, I
believe that answering yes to the
definition above is valid卋ut wait a