Learning to discipline your child is an important skill that all parent need to learn. Discipline is not punishment. It has more to do with teaching your child right from wrong. How to respect others and what behaviors are acceptable. …show more content…
It requires that you set limits and hold your child accountable for their behavior. Some people think that the parents are the problem, but I think the parents are the solution. They just need training and support.
Time out can be effective way of disciplining your child. You can explain that their behavior is unacceptable. Designate a time out area, perhaps a kitchen chair or a bottom stair. Make them sit quietly for a minute or two until they have calmed down. Much longer and it won't be effective.
Spanking your child is not an acceptable way of disciplining your child. Especially babies and toddler will unlikely be able to make a connection between their behavior and your physical punishment. They will only feel the pain of the hit. For an older child, spanking can be a humiliating experience. It can cause anger and resentment not necessarily teaching the lesson you're trying to convey.
There are some key things to remember when disciplining your child. First thing is to stay calm and don't over react when your child misbehaves. Avoid yelling and screaming. If you feel things are getting out of control, take a break until you regain