Lund 1 Aaron Lund Professor Dorn English 102 15 November XXXX Preserving Yellowstone’s Winter Wilderness Although a few recreational snowmobilers destroy fragile ecosystems and harass animals as they ride through the wilderness, most love and respect this country’s natural heritage. That’s why they brave the cold to explore what is left of wild America— including Yellowstone National Park. Unfortunately, however, even respectful snowmobilers are unwittingly damaging what they love. Because snowmobiles create both air and noise pollution and because their use in the park strains the already lean budget of the park service, recreational snowmobiles should be banned from Yellowstone National Park. In 2002, the Bush administration, under pressure from the snowmobile industry, proposed to reverse the National Park Service’s 2000 plan that would have phased out recreational snowmobile use in Yellowstone. In addition to reversing the earlier plan, the new policy would increase the number of snowmobiles allowed into the park per day. This policy is a step in the wrong direction. It may be hard to imagine that 1,100 snowmobiles a day (the proposed limit) could cause an air pollution problem in a park half the size of Connecticut, but in fact they can. The air pollution at park entrances has already become so bad in winter, according to environmental reporter Julie Cart, that fresh air has to be
Lund introduces his first line of argument. Background information puts the thesis in context. Thesis states the main point. Lund builds common ground with readers who may disagree with him.
Marginal annotations indicate MLA-style formatting and effective writing. Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006).
This paper has been updated to follow the style guidelines in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th ed. (2009).
Lund 2 pumped into the kiosks where snowmobiles line up and park
Sources are documented with MLA citations.
Cited: Bluewater Network. "Snowmobile Position Paper." Bluewater Network. Bluewater Network, Apr. 2002. Web. 12 Nov. 2002. Cart, Julie. “Plan Backs Snowmobiles at Parks.” Los Angeles Times 8 Nov. 2002: A12. National Newspaper Index. Web. 11 Nov. 2002. Greater Yellowstone Coalition. “Yellowstone Experiences Worst Year Ever for Illegal Snowmobile Activity.” Greater Yellowstone Coalition. Greater Yellowstone Coalition, 4 Apr. 2002. Web. 6 Nov. 2002. Johnson, Shelli. “Greater Yellowstone Region Is a Snowmobiling Mecca.” Yellowstone Journal Winter 2002-03: 6-7. Print. “Snowmobile Plan All Wet.” Editorial. Denver Post 9 Nov. 2002: B25. Colorado Newsstand. Web. 10 Nov. 2002. Works cited page uses MLA style. Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006).