
Argumentative Essay About Major Explorations

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Argumentative Essay About Major Explorations
Growing up many people think of the jobs they want to do when their older. There are lots of jobs out in the world you can do and not a lot but not so little people say they want to become scientist or explorers and say they want to explore space or explore the ocean someday. Many people think major explorations like exploring space and the oceans is a very important thing. People think major explorations can help us and help the world. Major explorations is a very common thing people talk about and put in the news but what they don’t know is that major explorations don’t really help us at all. In the articles and stories, “Remarks at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center” a speech by John F Kennedy, “Why Exploring the Ocean …show more content…
As Earth’s population continues to grow people are putting ever-increasing pressure on the planet's water resources. In a sense, our oceans, rivers, and other inland water are being “Squeezed” by human activities, not so they take up less room, but so their quality is reduced. Poorer water quality means water pollution. Polluting the Earth is a big risk everyone has to think about. Doing more major explorations doesn’t help decrease the pollution, it helps increase. In the book “Why exploring the ocean is mankind's next giant leap” The author Philippe Cousteau claims, “Over the last several decades, as the United States has been exploring space we’ve exploited and polluted our oceans at an alarming rate without dedicating the needed truly understand the critical role they play in the future of the planet” (61). The author is saying that space exploration has polluted our oceans and oceans are one of the sources to our climate and if our oceans get polluted global warming will take form. Pollution also causes animal species and plant species to go …show more content…
The equipments cost lots of money and the time of the exploration may take a very long time and all the effort they put into their work may go to waste. All this waste can end up as a problem. When scientist find new things the facts may turn out to be really bad things or they may have wasted their time finding junk that can’t help anyone in anyway and possibly people aren’t impressed and they don’t believe or like it. The equipments can malfunction or something may go wrong with it there’s a risky chance you could die. Reading the article “Living in the Dark” Cheryl says, “Herrera remembers one expedition where a Remotely Operated Vehicle (called an ROV) drifted into the wrong place at the wrong time and was destroyed by the ship’s propellers. The equipment or vehicle malfunctioned and ended up getting destroyed which they were lucky enough no one was in there and it was remotely controlled. Also during space explorations they have to worry about many things the instruments working perfectly so they won’t die. When they go out to space a lot more risk comes up. In the article of John F Kennedy's speech, “Remarks at the dedication of the Aerospace Medical health center” it states. “Our astronauts will need fundamentally new devices to protect them from the ill effects of radiation”(75). Kennedy is stating that the scientists need to spend money on more equipment

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