things we have today like the abundance of spices we use for our Thanksgiving. Since the Mayflower didn’t have a large quantity of food or spices the pilgrims couldn’t have pie because they didn’t have sugar to make a pie. A difference that I dislike is that the adults would get served their meals first then the children then the servants I think it’s unfair for obvious reasons.
Worse things have been invented such as the kid’s table that I hope I’m never seated at ever. A thing we both did was we had our biggest meals around noon or around the evening time that’s when it starts for me anyways. The pilgrims had their feasts at breakfast lunch and dinner it doesn’t sound fun for whoever had to cook the feasts.
The pilgrims didn’t have turkey like us the pilgrims mainly had deer and seals for their feasts and other thing we wouldn’t normally eat on Thanksgiving. Another important thing we do on thanksgiving is watch TV and football. The pilgrims obviously didn’t have the TV for a couple hundred of years. The pilgrims had Squanto to teach them how to do things like hunt for their food and grow vegtables. We buy these things from the store and other places. Some people still do this like the olden days. Another thing we have in common is that we celebrate this holiday with friends and family.