You're thrown down hard onto an old rotten stump, dazed you look up and see a shiny object hurtling down towards your head then, *thwack* and the world suddenly turns dark. This is the life for millions of turkeys on Thanksgiving. Every Thanksgiving forty-five million turkeys are mercilessly slaughtered and that's only on one day and twenty-two million turkeys are killed on Christmas. Turkeys shouldn’t be slaughtered on Thanksgiving or any other time really because even though eating turkey gives you necessary nutrients turkeys also speed up the timeline for meeting death and causes health problems. Turkeys are treated cruelly and are mutilated because turkeys are not protected by any laws saying they can’t be abused or hurt. Finally lots of turkey farmers inject turkeys with growth hormones, in order to stunt their growth so they can make more money off of them.
My first reason turkeys shouldn’t be eaten is because They can cause health issues and problems. Turkeys might taste good, but …show more content…
Turkeys are treated cruelly in slaughterhouses and farms because there are no laws that protect turkeys from being mutilated or abused so farmers can do anything they want to turkeys and don’t have to worry about law enforcement. One piece of evidence that turkeys are abused is that before turkeys are brutally slaughtered they aren't given painkillers and a rare thing about turkeys is that they still feel pain for a few more minutes even after their head is chopped off so for their last few minutes of life they feel excruciating pain. I also when on the reliable website PETA and they showed confessions of farmers and workers saying that they have beaten and abused turkeys on farms and other turkey meat gatherers. They say that they kick punch drop and throw turkeys causing harm and other trauma and they aren't protected by laws so farmers and workers can do anything they want to