Participating in an all plant based diet has profound effects environmentally. Vegans will not purchase and leather, wool, or fur because animals suffer because of the production of these products. There is growing …show more content…
If the anti-cruelty laws that protect pets were applied to farmed animals, many of the most routine U.S. farming practices would be illegal in all 50 states. Birds that are raised for meat are traditionally kept a high-density cages where waste builds up. The waste and other nasty bacteria cause the bird’s skin to burn and ruin respiratory tracts of these animals. In addition, with these jam-packed cages hens can grow to become “immobilized and die of asphyxiation or dehydration (Modern Animal Farming1). Another major issue factory farming faces is animals pecking each other. Due to the crowding of confinement “farmers remove a third to a half of the beak from egg-laying hens, breeding chickens, and most turkeys and ducks” (Modern Animal Farming1). Each week, hundreds of thousands of laying hens die on U.S. farms. Most endure one to two years of battery-cage confinement before they’re disposed of as “spent hens.”
Even though some may thing dairy farming is a couple of cows grazing thought the pastor eating grass with its fellow herd, most milk is produced by cows raised in intensive production systems. Most are kept in individual hutches or pens, often outdoors or in an unheated barn, and fed colostrum, then saleable or unsaleable/waste milk or a milk replacer until weaned, typically at about 9 weeks of