Every time there is a tragic event such as a mass shooting, the idea of gun control becomes the number one topic of discussion. Many forms of gun control have been the result of a tragic event. The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, for example, is a result of the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan, which left James Brady with disabilities for the remainder of his life. Another example of post tragedy ideas for gun control came as the result of the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. These would include expanding and strengthening the current background check system, as well as instituting federal laws against gun trafficking. Congresswoman Giffords would also like to receive federal funding to research the “Cause and Impact of Gun Violence”.…
The purpose of this draft is to inform the readers of the correlation between guns and drugs. In this draft I hope to inform the general public, the students and Professor of ENGL 111, how drugs may be implicated in many of the mass shootings. As we are all aware guns do not shoot people, it takes a person to decide to use it. It is believed by many experts that medication alters the mind and the mind controls the trigger finger. Guns do not kill people, people kill people. The focus of this draft is to convey information or ideas as clearly and effectively as possible.…
This world is a scary place. Having a concealed weapon offers you a protection you would otherwise have to wait according to Peoria pd on average 6.7 minutes. When there is an emergency we don’t always have the time we need in order to wait for professionals to arrive. Much like CPR, we train ordinary people to give CPR so we can keep someone alive while waiting for professionals. We need trained ordinary people to help and give us that little bit of extra time.…
Why is gun control the supposed “cure” for crime? Why is there always this need to blame guns for people’s crimes? If this theory is correct, then the belief that pencils cause grammatical errors is also true; wait, that doesn’t sound right, does it? Now, all of a sudden when the “cure” is used in this light it becomes ridiculous. In fact, Americans have a constitutional right to own handguns, and stricter laws and licensing will not effectively save lives.…
Guns don’t kill people – people kill people. I know some of you are shaking your heads and thinking how ridiculous that statement is. But, to say that guns kill people is to say that the car killed the family of four, instead of the drunk driver killed the family of four. Watch almost any nightly news and you will see a story about someone in the community who gets butchered by a drunk driver. The Center for Disease Control reported that in 2013 there were 10,076 Americans killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. That is almost 30 of us every day. It is an unbelievable figure. Yet we rarely blame the car for the deadly crash; instead we blame the drunk driver. However, when it comes to a mad man who kills people with a gun many of us get it backwards. We don’t hold the crazy guy responsible – we blame the gun. It is a natural reaction to an unthinkable act.…
Gun control should not be in force because it only affects the people who follow the laws. If weapons were banned, that is, putting gun control into effect, the people who follow laws won’t be able to protect themselves from people who don’t abide by the laws. The main purposes of fire arms is self- protection and hunting. So if the government tries to take our weapons away from us we can just throw the 2nd amendment at them and tell them that this is unconstitutional. We understand they are trying to cut down on crime, but it is actually making the crime rates go up. In Britain the government thought it would bring the crime/murder rate down but, it actually increased about 1 million more deaths each year. The government is trying to get is ammo they are trying to limit ammo manufactures to a certain amount of ammo a day. They are also making people go into havoc and making them go crazy over ammo, so people are buying…
Your home alone on a cool quiet night; you roll over and witness a large individual kick in your door with a twelve gauge shotgun. You hear him coming up the stairs, what do you do? Run? Call the police, or do you grab your gun and protect you and your children. Now if you were to take the gun out of the situation what would you have done? The intruder is already in your house where your kids sleep at night, and the police's response time is not going to be fast enough. What if you were able to hide, well you can not hide forever and eventually he will find you. No matter what you think, or how you feel about guns; if you were to put yourself in that position. You would be very grateful for the gun that saved you and your precious children.…
Gun control, an issue rising in the minds of people. Everyday we see in news that someone got shot, someone got robbed and many other stories in which a “gun” has major role. In every part of the world gun violence has increased and gun control has become hot topic for debate. Do carrying guns makes society safe or dangerous? Studies by New Stanford (2014) showed, increase in gun ownership increased crime. So, gun control is demanded. But there are many people who are against gun control. People often argues that they have right to own a gun, its for the self defense etcetera. Do people really consider while purchasing gun? Somehow its correct, people have right to own gun for the sake of one’s self defense but to reduce crime there…
Approximately 30,000 people die a year because of guns when they are used in both self defense and murder. Many people argue whether restrictions on guns should be enacted or repealed. Tensions have grown high on both sides of the issue making it a hot topic in our country today. Many people cast their votes in the last election based on their feelings about this very issue. The divide among Americans when it comes to gun control is large, spanning from those who want strict regulation, including an outright ban on all firearms, to those who want complete legalization of individual gun ownership. Guns can be used for killing or protection, so it is important to examine all…
Gun violence is one main thing that tears families apart. Crazy, non-educated people roam the streets with dangerous weapons killing people and causing tragedies. Society would have done better if only police had the access to weapons and guns instead of civilians and criminals, although they could be confiscated. Gun violence incidents have been happening for a very long time, most of the time without a reason. Shootings, robberies, etc. all include the use of a weapon like a gun. These things happen every day. For example, if someone is trying/planning on killing someone, they won’t be able to do that without a weapon. Guns are meant for self-defense, people like gangsters don’t use them the way they’re supposed to be used, but why? Using them not the right way will get them in trouble and do nothing but get them thrown in jail, just use guns in the proper form, for self-defense, not homicidal kills. It is important to always stay cautious of your…
Today, we are living in a world where one moment you are laughing, and in a blink of an eye you wind up either dead or in the hospital due to random gun violence. US leads amongst all the developed nations in mass murder due to gun violence and gun abuse. Between 1976 and 2012, most high-income countries did not experience a single shooting. The U.S. witnessed 16 shootings involving 7 or more fatalities, resulting in 241 deaths, more than all the other developed countries combined.…
The United States of America holds a position of one of the highest rate of reported gun violence that unintentionally caused the death of a child (“Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense in America”). According to the second amendment in the Constitution, citizens have the right to own and bear arms. This is a controversial topic that is often debated and almost all people have their own opinion. Moms Demand Action is a current organization determined to make changes to our laws to prevent gun violence. One advertisement that subjects itself around the issue of gun control depicts two children: one holding a Kinder chocolate egg and one holding an AK-47. It also is captioned with the statement, "One child is holding something that's been banned…
If I could fight against something that something would be gun violence because all over the world have gun violence people dieing because of the guns and also because of violence. This is bad for people all over the world gun violence is still around the world and that is something that I do not like in this world having gun violence what is the reason of having gun violence why do we need this type of violence. One thing that I can do to change gun violence is stop people from using guns and tell people why is gun violence bad for people all over the world. There is no reason why we need to have gun violence in all over the world . Having gun violence can cause problems and also death that is why gun violence is not good for people all over…
Resulting with 12 dead and 20 injured, April 20th, 1999, ultimately became the day of the worst high school shooting in U.S. history at Columbine High School, prompting a national debate on gun control and school safety. According to the article Columbine High School Shootings “In the aftermath of the shootings, many schools across America enacted “zero tolerance” rules regarding disruptive behavior and threats of violence from students (History.com).” In addition, there have been many more strategies used to prevent such events from happening in the future. Educators and the police focus on suggestions such as training, raising money for emergency preparedness, training school bus drivers in security and hardening school buildings’ vulnerability…
One of the biggest controversial topics in America today is Gun Control, whether we should or should not have gun control. The Government claims that if they take the guns away, that there will be a drop in deaths and crimes. The Second Amendment state that every citizen of the United States of America has a right to bare arms(ProCon#1). The Gun Control Law will take away that right completely, along with some of our freedom. If the Gun Control Law is enforced in the United States, our hunting right will be removed, our self-defense right will be taken away, and it will amplify the problem.…