
Argumentative Essay On Social Welfare

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Argumentative Essay On Social Welfare
Patrick White
Mr. McGraw
Welfare was established by the Social Security Act of 1935, and managed by distinct states and territories for the government to help poverty stricken children and other dependent persons. Social welfare is the advancement and distribution of material and physical aid by the government for citizens in need. It can come in many different procedures such as: unemployment recompense, food stamps, or numerous social services ranging from drug rehabilitation to child care assistance. This essay expresses why the United States and other developed nations need some type of social welfare, arguing that while developments must be made to reduce the number of people who are actually on these programs;
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The more dishonorable and exposed disapproval comes from social welfare’s apparent inconsistency to two lasting aspects of American identity: free market opposition and the ‘American Dream’.
Traditionalist advocates of the free market believe that any interference on the part of the government will change the most resourceful development of business. For instance, assuming a commerce or business fails, the sequentially jobless workers will provide a labor resource for the competing industry or business that will unavoidably fill the gap left in the market. If these unemployed workers receive the social welfare, it is thought that this will slow the growth of the market and the flow of competition.
The American Dream is the belief that the Unites States is an extremely merit-based country where an individual’s success connects to how hard he or she works. Many of those with faith in the American Dream believe that social welfare damages its pureness. If people can receive benefits and services without working, the value of work will diminish and a culture of slothfulness would soon follow. People would use loopholes and think of even more excuses to receive social welfare and avoid working at all costs. Tax dollars will then be averted from serving the public good to supporting the lives of freeloaders and
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Because of this there has to be a social welfare safety net for children in large or small single parent families with low income. If you look at it objectively, it can easily be seen how tax dollars spent on social welfare on children can save tons of our tax dollars in the future. Think of things like homelessness, injury, and crime these are greater and more negative social costs than social welfare is. From this outlook, social welfare is not strictly an issue of liberal versus conservative government spending, but more of us as one worrying of how to prevent social disorders that may damage fiscal efficiency (Frank, 2006). A study done in the mid-1990s by the Cato Institute showed that the value of the complete benefit package received by the usual welfare recipient averaged more than $17,000, ranging from a high of over $36,000 (Hawaii) to a low of $11,500 (Mississippi). In about 9 states welfare pays more than the average first-year salary for a teacher. In about 29 states welfare pays more than the average starting salary for a secretary. In about 47 states welfare pays more than a janitor makes. In only 6 states benefits exceed the entry-level salary for a computer

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