Depression and suicide are increasingly becoming more and more prevalent in society today, especially in teenagers. Studies have shown that suicides can often happen in clusters due to suicide contagion. This has stirred the debate on whether or not media should bring light to suicide. It’s necessary to bring awareness to this problem as it affects so many people today “more than 42,000 people in the United States die from suicide annually, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention–making suicide the tenth leading cause of death overall” (9.8 Million American Adults). Media coverage of suicides should raise awareness on suicide itself, but should not divulge any methods of it.
Media can teach society how to properly handle the fragile topic of …show more content…
More often than not, those who are considering suicide don’t want death but can’t find a way to live happily and believe that they’d be better off dead. With the proper communication these people will know how to get help. However, not many know how to speak about suicide without unintentionally glamorizing suicide. When one talks to someone considering suicide it’s often said that they’ll be missed. When a suicide has happened many people come together to memorialize the victim, even if they were mere acquaintances, saying that they finally escaped their pain or expressing how they were a beautiful person. This can lead others who are contemplating suicide to believe that suicide is the best option, whether it’s to rid themselves of their seemingly unending pain or because they seek the same attention that they are seeing others give to suicide victims. There are more helpful ways of approaching the topic of suicide “Instead, focus on the finality of it by using statements like ‘The loneliness or pain you might feel is temporary, but there is no happy ending to a suicide. Suicide is forever”’ (qtd. in