While, many believe that transracial adoptions are not in the best interest of the child, in fact they can be beneficial. Even though studies have found that parents who do not share the same race as the children they are adopting may lack the social experience to raise them, transracial families can live cohesively with the proper support.
According to the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, often non- black parents cannot teach black …show more content…
Time magazine reported “R. Richard Banks, a Stanford Law professor and author of The Color of Desire: Fulfilling Adoptive Parents' Racial Preferences through Discriminatory State Action, said ‘To some people, saying we want children to develop a positive identity means a positive racial identity. But it could be a good thing not to have a strong racial identity. The difference is a reflection of our beliefs about what black people should be and what white people should be.’” Being raised in a transracial family can teach children to be color blind, meaning they do not associate a particular race with certain actions. This prevents them from re enforcing and carrying out stereotypes due to