Many people say that marijuana is bad but the statistics say that alcohol is worse. It seems to me that alcohol has all these dangers, yet, according to the statistics, marijuana has very little risk in comparison. You are more likely to drive under the influence you are more likely to be violent, and alcohol cause liver damage you can die from overdosing from alcohol posing and you can die from doing stupid stuff from being drunk. To back up what I said, the chart below from “” shows that cannabis (also known as marijuana) is batter but in most sates it is Illegal.” Marijuana smokers tend to inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer than cigarette smokers, which leads to a greater …show more content…
In 1619 king James I told colonists to grow 100 plants for fiber to send to other countries. So, even George Washington grew hemp as one his crops. It was used for rope and fabric. During the 1850s cannabis was first used as medicine and during the 1860 some people thought cannabis was a poison. The history of marijuana goes back as far as 2737 BC it was believe that in the writings of Chinese In New York a bill was drafted to regulate the sale of poisons prohibited the sale of cannabis without the writer order of a physician. The final bill didn’t require a prescription but did require a red label that said, POISON. In 1906 the pure food and drug act was passed by congress to accurately label special drugs. In 1938 federal pure food, drug and cosmetics act stated that if you are found with illegal drugs, you’ll be searched taken to jail, and the substance would be destroyed. This law is still in