argue that it is not natural and within the will of God for an individual to choose their own death. Although the person already has a prognosis of life for 6 months or less protesters argue that by ending their life early it is the same as suicide. Christians believe that suicide is the ultimate sin. They believe that you can never be forgiving by God for suicide because in death you cannot ask for forgiveness.
The idea of inducing one’s own death is a very controversial issue. It is only legal in three states. Oregon, Washington and Montana. The act was made legal in Oregon October 27, 1997. The Act is more new to Washington and Montana. The Act was passed in Washington November 4, 2008 and In Montana December 31, 2009. The death with dignity act allows terminally-ill patients to end their lives through the independent decision to self administer lethal medication. The drug of choice is usually barbiturates which are also used for lethal injection for persons on death row. The process is very extensive the patient has to make two oral requests to the doctor that has to be 15 days apart. The patient also has to submit a written request for the prescription. There has to be two witnesses with the written request. One of the witnesses has to be a non- family member. Family members can not submit a request for a patient. If a patient is in a coma a family member cannot make a request for lethal injection on their behalf. The physician along with a consultant then has to decide if the patient qualifies for the prescription for lethal
medication. The patient has to be terminally ill with a prognosis of 6 months or less. The patient has to be deemed competent to make the independent decision. The patient has to be cleared of all psychiatric symptoms including depression. Only physicians that are licensed in Oregon, Washington, and Montana are allowed to write the prescription. A patient has to be a legal resident of Oregon, Washington and Montana. The patient has to be able to prove residency either with a driver’s license, a voter’s registration card, or a place of residency. If a patient lives outside of one of these three states they can still participate in the act by moving to one of the states. It is then the responsibility of the patient to establish residency. There is no minimal on how long a patient has to be a resident. It is up to the physician to determine if residency has been established. The physician under no circumstances should administer the medication for the patient. If the patient wants the physician to be present he can, but only for support. Names of patients and physicians are kept confidential and are not released. At any time in any manner a patient and change their mind about going through with the prescription. On the 15th day the physician has to offer the choice to the patient to rescind his/her request. There is an organization called compassion and choices. Their purpose is to inform terminally ill patients of the choices available to them including the death with dignity act. They believe that the patient should have the final choice of how their end of life should be. They help individuals who have been denied this right fight for it legally through court.