
Argumentative Essay: The Role Of Hunting In America

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The sport of hunting has many different opinions to it. Hunting has helped America since the Indians taught the pilgrims to hunt and fish. This sport has brought food to the table for hundreds of years in times of need. The role of hunting has played a key to the survival of our well being. How has hunting helped develop America and it’s economy. Many Americans participate in wild game hunting each year. The range from men to women, from elderly to youth have participated in this sport for many years. Passed down from generations the art of hunting has been taught. The sport has a lot more respect to it then just going out and it being a bloodbath. It takes time to become a expert hunter. A hunter to catch its prey has to outsmart it first. …show more content…

Organizations such as Hunters for the hungry provide 4 million meals for people in Tennessee alone. This has helped starving children for many years. Wild game meat it leaner and more organic then grocery store processed meats. In older times large feast would be put together for royalty. However, many groups don’t agree with the sport of hunting. Their are many anti-hunting groups that think of hunting as a cruel sport. Groups such as P.E.T.A have disagreed with hunting for many years. They think of it as overkill and that animals are killed by the mass. They believe that hunting isn’t a fair choice and that animals have rights. Anti-hunting groups don’t see the good of hunting and it helping keep order in the animal kingdom. Hunting has played a key part of conservation in modern day. Conservation is one of the major reasons that hunting is a necessity in the United States. If the animal population becomes overgrown then their will be more animals being pushed into cities by the expansion of industry. When a hunter buys a license the taxes that are paid go towards conserving the natural habitat of wildlife. There are many more benefits to hunting that help with the

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