However, the families choosing to adopt the children most likely do not see their wanting to adopt a child to be against their religious and moral values. Because of this, this argument should not apply to them in the slightest sense. Because of separation of the church and state in the Constitution, this is not a valid argument in one’s opinion. The Constitution says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (“Separation of …”). If a law was passed that expressly prohibited LGBT+ couples or individuals from adopting a child, that would be a law respecting an establishment of religion and would be going against the
However, the families choosing to adopt the children most likely do not see their wanting to adopt a child to be against their religious and moral values. Because of this, this argument should not apply to them in the slightest sense. Because of separation of the church and state in the Constitution, this is not a valid argument in one’s opinion. The Constitution says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (“Separation of …”). If a law was passed that expressly prohibited LGBT+ couples or individuals from adopting a child, that would be a law respecting an establishment of religion and would be going against the