According to Encyclopædia Britannica (2009), for Indians, most marriages are arranged by family elderly based on caste, degree of cognation, financial status, education (if any), and astrology. In the article entitled “Marriage: Is love necessary?” in Little India on 2nd June 2007, Sudhir Kakar upholds the practice of arranged marriages among Indians. The article focuses on how the establishment of an arranged marriage is tantamount to the vision of love. Kakar (2007) started off by describing dream of love and how Indians are the same as the rest of human beings in the pursuit of love. He stated that arranged marriages are a norm and rarely seen as infliction by young Indians. Furthermore, he maintained that the reason Indians choose arranged marriage is because they define marriage as a family affair, with mutual values and background rather than the couples’ individual affair and they also consider parent-son and filial ties as the fundamental of family instead of the husband-wife connection. The writer then established that social manners put love marriages under substantial pressure and most of them are despondent. It is later then asserted; the vantages of arranged marriage are a young individual does not have to worry about seeking a partner, regardless of his/her personal and physical traits and that true love do exist within time, as a product of contented togetherness, not infatuation. Sardar (2008) who is in the same view, ascertained that arranged marriage gives time and space to appreciate one’s partner, instead of starting at the pitch of pheromone intensity. Kakar (2007) also stated that although there are impediments that occur, the universal vision of passionate, consummate love and the cultural reality of arranged marriages will persevere in the Indian consciousness.
In the article “Don’t ask, won’t tell” in The Hindu on 26th October 2008, Vijay Nagaswami discussed about why
References: 7. India: Family and Kinship 2009, Encyclopædia Britannica, viewed 13 November, 2009, . 13., 2009, Kahlil gibran quotes, viewed 13 November 2009, .