October 28th, 2014
Deterrence, rational, choice, and the environment
Armed Robbers in Action
Reading Wright and Decker’s theories gave me a very insightful understanding of how armed robbery work, act, think and respond. Wright talks about how the criminal uses the money from the robbery because they needed for important reasons and not just materialistic things. “I don't think there is any one factor that precipitates the commission of a crime…. I think it’s just the conditions. I think the primary factor is just being without. Rent is coming up. A few months ago, the landlord was gonna put us out, rent due, you know. Can't get no money no way else. Ask family and friends, you might try a few other ways of getting the money, and as last resort, I know I can go get some money [by committing an armed robbery]. (Wright 447)
I agree with this idea because I truly don't believe the first instinct a person gets is to rob. I feel they get trapped in a situation which is either they have no income , they no financial resources that can help them so they become desperate and think of quick fixes and get driven off the thrill and adrenaline it causes so therefore it becomes addicting. In the “Choosing the Target” section, it talks about how the offenders choose their victims whether they are criminals they are robbing “[I like robbing] they drug dealers [because] it satisfies two things for me: my thirst for drugs and the financial aspect. [I can] actually pay my rent, pay for my car,[and things like that too.]” (Maze 449). These offenders choose other criminals who are drug dealers so they are able to keep up with their high they also realize they can take care of themselves and their bills but also have to be extra cautious the criminal may or may not be armed. As opposed to offenders choosing non criminals they are less dangerous “You don't want to pick somebody dangerous they may have a gun on them” (449). The places these offenders even choose to