Period 6
Rough Draft
Over the year’s teen bullying and suicide rates have been increasing. Bullying can happen to anyone, boys and girls. Bullying can happen anywhere as online or in person. Most teens feel unsafe or it’s their fault they are being bullied, so most times victims do not report it. Teachers and students are trying to put an end to bullying. Some people say ways to prevent bullying is to get the community involved. While others say to have the school figure it out or let the children solve the problem themselves. There are many causes and effects of bullying. Some different methods of bullying can be homophobic, cyber, verbal, and physical. Bullying can be subtle or obvious. Once kids get to high school bullying and teasing increase, causing more teens to be targets. Bullying can happen to anyone, and both boys and girls can both be bullies. In the years 2011-2012 the teen suicide rates have gone up to 44% because of bullying. In the past seven year 2003-2010 the suicide rates were 556%, which means more teens are feeling harmed or not wanted anymore. In school, teachers and school staff play an important role making sure the environment is safe for every student. Ways teachers can make sure bullying won’t happen is to involve the side effects of bullying in the students curriculum. Teachers should find literature about bullying and have the students write about how they feel about it. Another way for teachers to stop bullying is to educate themselves on the topic, create a readers theater for students. Another step teachers should use is to always have their eyes open for bullying and no matter what take action. For LGBTQ students and other teens who are targeted support groups can be created. Teachers should always confront bullying. The community needs to get involved to stop bullying. Some ways the community can get involved is to create campaigns, and spreading awareness of bullying, and have others become more