Art is a generated feeling, idea, experience, or concept that is given a form by the artist. That’s the basic idea of how art is created, however Plato believes art’s process to be more specific, “Art conceived generally as techne, presupposes a knowing and a making: Knowing the end to be aimed at and the best means for achieving the end” (Philosophies of Art and Beauty pg. 1). Here Plato says that all works of art are created with skill and knowledge (techne), meaning the artist must be educated in the type of medium he is using. It also says that because all art has techne the artist should be able to follow a specific size, length and form according to Plato in order to achieve the ideal end. Now looking at a modern example of art in this case graffiti we see that the concept of maintaining a form is still there however this type of art does not necessarily follow a specific format like Plato believed. Graffiti captures meaning and
Art is a generated feeling, idea, experience, or concept that is given a form by the artist. That’s the basic idea of how art is created, however Plato believes art’s process to be more specific, “Art conceived generally as techne, presupposes a knowing and a making: Knowing the end to be aimed at and the best means for achieving the end” (Philosophies of Art and Beauty pg. 1). Here Plato says that all works of art are created with skill and knowledge (techne), meaning the artist must be educated in the type of medium he is using. It also says that because all art has techne the artist should be able to follow a specific size, length and form according to Plato in order to achieve the ideal end. Now looking at a modern example of art in this case graffiti we see that the concept of maintaining a form is still there however this type of art does not necessarily follow a specific format like Plato believed. Graffiti captures meaning and