Synthia Saint James and Jack Keats style of painting is similar in the way they use vivid and muted colors to depict a scene in there paintings. There brush strokes are similar in the way they outline the details in their paintings, as well as how they use abstract facial features to define the expressions on faces. Saint James “Le Village” and Keats “Pet Show” are both illustrations on canvas using acrylic and/or oil paint.
Keats the “Pet Show” was painted in 1972 which covers a group of children waiting in line with their pet’s to be checked in. The back and fore grounds are a mixture of yellows, browns, greens and oranges that overlap to create a movement of color in the painting. His strokes are light to medium and messy around the sides of the painting. The children and adults range from pale to dark brown to ebony completions. The lines are very thin that outline the subjects. The facial features of the children and adults are abstract. The eyes and month is usually slightly darker then the completion of the person being depicted. The first little boy’s shirt is dark green with orange stripes and blue pants, his shoes blend into the fore and back grounds, while scratching his head. It looks like he is holding a pet but it is actually another boy with a green hat and white shirt bending down talking to a little girl with a long pink shirt and yellow skirt, with pink socks and brown shoes. The boy with the green hat is partially painted in the picture. The little girl with the pink shirt is facing the boys with the green and orange shirt and green hat. Next to them is a little girl wearing a dark yellow and pink zig-sag stripe poncho with a bright pink hat and braided hair. She is holding a yellow bird cage with a pink and black bird. The next little boy is wearing a color blocked light and dark blue jacket with an orange shirt hanging out with green pants. His features or abstract so you can’t make out his