Professor Calarco
How the Visual Arts Communicate
27 October 2014
In 50AD, the Romans were becoming more knowledgable in creating a sufficient water system that they began building aqueducts. The architecture and design, of what is known at the Pont Du Gard aqueduct in Rome, is remarkable. There are many similarities and differences between Pont Du Gard and the water system in my hometown of Charleston, South Carolina. Both water systems are functional in their own structural design. They each have a certain function for their own society at the time which make them unique. Pont Du Gard is a Roman built aqueduct that crosses along the Gardon River. It is 25 kilometers and moves water from the city of Uzes to Nimes. The structure was necessary so that the city of Nimes could have at least 40,000 cubic meters of water per day. The structure is built from stone blocks hoisted by block and tackle apparatus and weights about six tons each. No mortar was used. The Pillars are V shaped in order to sustain itself during the flood season. Water traveled from the very top of the bridge through a stone canal. The canal was covered with flat stones in a convex angle to drain off the water. Plaster was used to cover the walls of the canal to make it waterproof. This water system provided water for bathing, drinking, plumbing, flushing sewers, and filling beautiful fountains. The way the Pont Du Gard was built definitely describes the Roman society and what their priorities were. Cleanliness was a priority as well as being hydrated and healthy. Being able to take baths and have beauty within the town through fountain structures was important. The Charleston, South Carolina aqueduct system did not begin until the 1790’s where canals and waterways started to be built. Over two thousand canals have been built along the state that connect to the coast and the Port of Charleston. The Santee Canal was built around 1793 and connects with the