The most common sites for arteriosclerosis are arteries in the brain, kidneys, heart, abdominal aorta, or legs. Symptoms of arteriosclerosis vary according to which arteries are affected. Leg pain when exercising might indicate peripheral arterial disease. Sudden weakness or dizziness could be caused by an obstruction in the carotid artery in the neck, which produces …show more content…
A virus or allergic reaction, chronic kidney disease, irritants such as nicotine and drugs, or too much of the amino acid homocystine can also lead to arteriosclerosis. A family history of early heart disease is also a risk factor for developing arteriosclerosis.
If you experience any signs of restricted blood flow, you should see your doctor. Those with poor blood flow in one area of the body are likely to have arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis in another part of the body. During a physical exam, your doctor may find signs of either arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis by several methods, including listening to your arteries through a stethoscope.
Decreased blood pressure in a limb or lack of a pulse in a narrowed artery could indicate arteriosclerosis. Other warning signs include a bulge in the abdomen or behind the knee. The physician might also notice poor wound healing in an area with restricted blood flow. Blood tests, imaging, ultrasounds, electrocardiograms (EKGs), and other tests help a physician diagnose