From SUMMERS. Fundamentals of Case Management Practice, 4E. © 2012 Wadsworth, a part of Cengage…
2. The case manager has the right to introduce and make a meeting, bring all services or people involved in the meeting and can also participate in it.…
(5) What important information would you include in a memo/letter to the “client” to communicate the results of your research?…
Every one of these stages in the helping process is very important, they all have a certain goal that is to be met in order to achieve getting the client the help that they need. After all of these stages are fulfilled, the client and the professional will continue to work together in order to achieve the goals that is set for the client. There will periodically be a case review to examine the client’s case to ensure that they are receiving the appropriate services as well as quality care. A case review will also allow any changes to be made if need be, during this process it is absolutely necessary to have all of the documentation from the client’s case starting with the initial intake process all the way through each and every phase of the helping process, therefore, report writing is very vital throughout the helping process in order to have all of the documentation available when needed. This allows the professional to make sure that everything has been done appropriately and…
From SUMMERS. Fundamentals of Case Management Practice, 4E. © 2012 Wadsworth, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc.…
A case management nurse is a health care professional who focuses on individual patients, their medical needs and their required services. Most case management nurses have a minimum of three to five years of nursing experience. Graduation from an accredited nursing school or college and an active RN license are required. Case management nurses must have the ability to prioritize tasks and make independent clinical judgments when necessary. Case management nurses need to have the ability to collaboratively and cooperatively work with interdisciplinary teams.…
adapt their style of working according to a client’s presenting issues. A final point to remember is…
From SUMMERS. Fundamentals of Case Management Practice, 4E. © 2012 Wadsworth, a part of Cengage…
Discuss the tenets of confidentiality as they apply to a case manager. When is it legal and appropriate to share information and when is it not?…
So far different models of case management have come into being. Merill in the (Cohen 132) identified three major categories: primary care, social and medical-social. Case management nurses on many occasions facilitate exemplary patient care incorporating fiscally responsive strategies aimed at achieving completely healthy living standards. They are also the people with the knowhow in obtaining the necessary resources. Case managers work with various stakeholders of health facilities like families, patients and other professionals. As noted earlier by (Casta and Taha 160-270), private or independent case managers operate in a dual advocacy role that is prone to risk. They are therefore supposed to be creative, savvy communicators and well organized to realize satisfactory to health facility and the patient. Case management incorporates the professional services offered by nurses, physicians and social workers in addition to other medical and some non-medical staff. Case managers have an important role of meeting their patient’s needs. They roll out plans for immediate and future care for their patients. With case management nurses,…
One of the most important things to do while doing the meet and greet would be to establish the foundation of a good working relationship with the client. A good relationship builds rapport and a true understanding of both parties involved. The meet and greet needs to include questions such as what the client thinks the problem is and what the clients expectations are. A consultant needs to know what the expectations are in order to maintain authenticity with the client and to see if what the client expects is going to be achievable. Just as with any relationship, a working relationship requires investing large periods of time, effort, and understanding; therefore it is important to be honest with the client and with yourself and see if the client’s expectations are something that the consultant feels they will be competent in.…
Respond to any enquiry and allow time for the client to respond, the communication should always suit the situation, always speak clearly and slowly so the client doesn’t mislead anything. You will sound and look more energized if you are cheerful and helpful. This give a professional look. (asking open or closed questions)…
Define your client system. Provide identifying information, which may include family composition, ages, medical history, employment, education, finances, income and its sources, housing and ethnicity; OR the nature of the group, its purpose and composition; OR description of the community demographics and nature of the community problem/issue being addressed. Describe the nature of your contact with the client/client system, presenting request/s, issues, duration of the contact, extent of activity (number of interviews/contact/sessions; frequency and with whom).…
Case Managers in healthcare are accountable for managing the complete care provided to an individual client or a collection of clients, based on the client's health or concerns, necessities, and over all wellbeing. In addition, case management is a paradigm of supply of care that amalgamates patient and healthcare professional satisfaction and consideration of cost factors and affords a method of handling individuals’ whole health concerns. In order to utilize the case management approach, health care professionals can improve on client self-care, decrease disintegration of care, provide quality care across a scale, improve patients’ quality of life, reduce the amount of hospitalization, boost client and employee satisfaction, and encourage cost-effective use of limited resources. Case managers may perhaps exercise the paternalistic method in rare circumstances once clients are incapable to speak for themselves or when the clients refuse to accept the case managers' efforts to assist them to make their own decisions, articulate their interests, convey their…
1. Carry out a background research on your proposed client and obtain as much information as possible about your client in particular and about the market sector which your client operates in.…