Strategies to help me with college-level reading are:
I started this class using the SQ3R method loosely, because I learned it in middle school and I have stuck with it since. Over the course of this class has taught me that using the method improperly such as often skipping one of the steps in the method, significantly hampered my studies. Due to the large volume of information we go over in such a short time I have started using SQ3R method properly as intended. I feel that it has improved my studies and will help me further in my college studies.
Techniques to use for developing my ideas for writing are:
The techniques I use are Brainstorming and Free-Writing. I brainstorm ideas then free write about each of them. In retrospect that is the main reason my first essay had so many Main topics. For future I will be brainstorming ideas, running them through AWC thesis generator, and then using free-writing to further develop the essay.
Three things I will focus on improving in my writing are:
First, I need to focus on a single topic. My first essay draft was too broad scoped, it had many main topics and lacked details for each. Second, I need to pay attention to writing instructions. In my second essay I got so wrapped up in a single topic and details that I completely missed the point of the essay. That we were to write a “personal essay” and forgot to add all the personal details/experiences. Third, I think would be word usage, grammar and proper sentence structure. There is always room for improvement in these areas I have yet to get a paper back without comment on one of the three.
Resources I can access to help me improve in these areas are:
The Ashford Writing Center is an excellent resource that has many tools to help me improve all of my writing challenges. The first paper I wrote had too many main topics, I used Thesis Generator to help me narrow down to one and generate some support topics. I have recently used the Paper