An essay must have a clear thesis that will help me structure the essay. After prewriting, I learned to read everything I had written down to be able to take some ideas that might go into my paper. Before this class, I used to concentrate in one single point and write very little on other points. This class has forced me to structure my paper in a way that everyone can understand. I always tried to adopt the habit of using clear, straightforward and concise words, that way my writing is clear and effective. To have an essay that everyone understands, I know that I need to make sure that my ideas are
An essay must have a clear thesis that will help me structure the essay. After prewriting, I learned to read everything I had written down to be able to take some ideas that might go into my paper. Before this class, I used to concentrate in one single point and write very little on other points. This class has forced me to structure my paper in a way that everyone can understand. I always tried to adopt the habit of using clear, straightforward and concise words, that way my writing is clear and effective. To have an essay that everyone understands, I know that I need to make sure that my ideas are