3.3.1 Explain all current Legislations, guidelines, policies and procedures that are in place for safeguarding children and young people. ./3.3.11 Explain the policies and procedures relevant to your organisation that are in place to protect children, young people and the staff who work with them. We currently have in place at the moment; Safeguarding Procedures and Safeguarding Benchmarking, protection of Children, Vulnerable Adults and Safeguarding Procedures, risk assessments, Missing Learners Policy, Health and Safety Policy For Lone Working, Guidelines for Learners going out unsupported, Anti Bullying Procedures and Access to college premises by people outside the college. These are all in place to ensure that the Children and young people we work with are safe. It is important that all staff follow the policies and procedures in place because we work with vulnerable young people who may not realise when they are putting themselves or others in danger. 3.3.3 Explain the ways in which national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day-to-day work with children and young people. / 3.3.6 Explain the importance of safeguarding children and young people. Child Protection, in my work place we have policies and procedures for safeguarding that state that all employees should have valid CRB checks, to ensure that we are suitability to work with children and young people. It also states that all children or young person, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse and that all suspicions and allegations of abuse and/or poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately. All staff have a responsibility to report concerns to the child protection officer. Risk assessment are an important factor in safeguarding children and in my day to day work, before I carry out any activity with children and young…
A Procedural safeguard under Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment is that a parents or guardians should be present during the interview, and proceedings. I believe that this is a very good safeguard to use with Juveniles. I believe this is a good safeguard because as a child one might not fully understand what is happening. With the safeguard in place the juvenile’s parents are now involved and they may have more of an understanding of what is happening. In the case of Grant Gault, it looks as if the court did not inform them of this right and proceeded anyway. Another reason it is a good idea to involve the parents is because the court wants to make sure the confessions are trustworthy. Sometime Juveniles might be intimidated…
1. Leroy may be the victim of neglect as there is evidence that his parents are persistently failing to meet his basic physical and psychological needs and that this is likely to cause impairment to his health and development. HM Government (2006). Maccoby and Martin (1983) assert that a child may suffer neglect if that child’s needs form a low priority within the family unit. In addition to neglect, Leroy may well be the experiencing emotional abuse. Emotional abuse involves the “persistent maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent effect on their emotional development.” HM Government (2006:39). This may include conveying a feeling of worthlessness; being unloved; inappropriate expectations of a child’s ability or level of responsibility, which are out of kilter with that child’s age and stage and being witness to the maltreatment and abuse of others.…
Ci: Explain what a social care worker must do if they become aware of unsafe practice.…
This includes: bullying, threats of harm or abandonment, ignoring, controlling, blaming, intimidation, harassment, coercion, verbal abuse, not giving a client privacy or dignity, isolation or withdrawal from services or support networks. Lack of human contact and inter-action.…
"The history of liberty has largely been the history of observance of procedural safeguards." We agree with this quote because our country is based on the right to have our guaranteed protection of life, liberty and property. Two of the greatest procedural guarantees that insure liberty are the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. According to the Fifth Amendment, a capital crime is punishable by death, while an infamous crime is punishable by death or imprisonment. This amendment guarantees that no one has to stand trial for such a federal crime unless indicted by a grand jury. Further, a person cannot be put in double jeopardy for the same offense by the same government. The amendment also guarantees that a person cannot be forced to testify against himself, and forbids the government from taking a person's…
It is important to reassure children, young people and adults that any information about them is kept confidential and only used where and when necessary and only for the duration required in order to maintain their trust and security. It is their right to privacy to have this information kept confidential and not passed on for others to talk about or gossip. As a member of teaching staff it is important not to violate their trust or put them at risk of harm by divulging personal information. Children and young people need to be able to know that their information will be kept confidential and they won’t be put at risk of teasing or bullying by other pupils. Adults need to feel secure in the knowledge that they or their children will not be the topic of playground gossip by other parents and that their home details will be safe from others. Parents should be reassured that the school is providing correct care and support for them and their children.…
Civil Law is in 2 areas Public Law which puts systems and processes to reduce the risk of children coming to harm and says what action should happen if they are at risk. Private Law sorts out family contact and divorce.…
[Working Together to Safeguard Children] Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, 2014) It is a statutory guidance from the Department for Education which describe terms such as ‘safe’, ‘abuse’, ‘negligence’... and offers a wide range of types of abuse and signs to look out for in order to identify whether a child is at risk. Every school must have regard to this…
Two fundamental rights are protected by procedural due process safeguards, procedural rights and substantive rights (Yell 2016). There are two types of procedural safeguards important to the implementation of the IDEA. Yell (2016) explains that “procedural safeguards guide the method by which school officials make decisions regarding the education of students with disabilities, and substantive due process rights are those personal rights that school officials may not abridge (p. 261). The fundamental reason to follow the established due process guidelines are to protect the procedural rights of parents.…
Professional roles Safeguarding Policy Report. The purpose of this assignment is to give a report exploring the development of a chosen policy. The policy I will be given my report on is the safeguarding policy. I will examine, analyse and provide an overview of how this system works in practice in relation to the overall safety of the children within the setting.…
Understanding what is meant by safeguarding and the different ways in which young people can be harmed e.g. by other young people, by a single event, or ongoing maltreatment, through the internet and other media, or by their own risk-taking…
Safeguarding is a responsibility of everyone and aims to prevent or minimise risk of harm occurring and to maintain and promote welfare of vulnerable adults and children. Protection is considered a statutory responsibility in response to individual cases where risk is identified Safeguarding is when services, or communities and organisations work together to keep an individual safe and promote their welfare. It is where professionals work together to with the individual at the centre and look at ways to improve their lives. Safeguarding tries to prevent and intervene to avoid the possibility of harm or abuse. It is the protection from maltreatment and harm and ensures the safety of a person.…
* Children are most likely to be abused by adults whom they now and trust and most abusing children is done by a men the women dose between 5/10 per.…
There are numerous different agencies and organisations involved in safeguarding. A non-exhaustive list, but perhaps the main ones are:- • Schools • Social services • The NSPCC • Health Professionals • The Probation Service • The Police • Local safeguarding children’s boards • Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) Schools have a variety of responsibilities towards the children in their care. These can be identified as follows:- • To develop children’s awareness and knowledge of what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. • To know, support and protect children who are identified as being at a greater risk…