stand up for them.
Introduction Group cohesion and the many factors contributing to it are represented in the video clips shown..
The coaching in the clips from Remember the Titans, the head coach enforcing and outlining the mould he wants his players to fit, as well as Al Pacino’s speech in Any Given Sunday show the influence strong, positive leadership can have on team cohesion (Course Website 2015). Also in Remember the Titans the way they bring the team together shows the linear model of cohesion (Course Website 2015 re forming, storming, norming, preforming). The way the team starts off divided and how they’re brought together to achieve something great is very well exemplified in this clip, Creation of a Team (Remember the Titans). The affect of personal factors is shown in the video Remember the Titans Inspirational Moments, where it shows the team coming together to achieve a common goal. Overall, group cohesion plays a key role in the success of a team, with factors from both the players on the team, as well as the coaches and other team leaders.
Strong leadership is crucial for team cohesion. It has been found that the most successful forms of leadership to aid team cohesion are those that provide proper
instruction, training, social support, democratic behaviour, and positive feedback (Shields, Gardner, Bredemeier, Bostro 1997). These values are shown in the video Creation of a Team (Remember the Titans). In the first practice scene, the coach is shown drilling the players very hard, running them through intense training practices. The coach instilling a focus for hard work will improve the players performance, as well as setting the atmosphere and relationship among the team (Spink 2016). Rewarding of good behaviour, positive feedback, is also very important (Shields, Gardner, Bredemeier, Bostro 1997). Having a good game, or a good play validated by a team leader is what a lot of players strive for on some level, so if it is rewarded it will encourage them to work hard to repeat their behaviour (Shields, Gardner, Bredemeier, Bostro 1997). Social support is also valued for high team cohesion (Shields, Gardner, Bredemeier, Bostro 1997). If the leader shows care for their team, it fosters a welcoming, safe environment (Spink 2016). Social support was found to have the most positive correlation with team cohesion, among the dimensions of: Democratic behaviour, autocratic behaviour, positive feedback, and social support (Loughead 2010). This dimension can be seen in the video of Al Pacino’s speech in Any Given Sunday, he brings football into real life, and opens up creating a personal relationship between this game and all the players there. He shows them that it is more than just a game. Bringing that personal atmosphere into it can be highly motivational, as it can bring everyone in the room together which increases team relationships (Shields, Gardner, Bredemeier, Bostro 1997). There are many dimensions to the effect leadership has on group cohesion, and it is important for the leader to create a positive team environment.
Team Development Team development can be broken into four steps: forming, storming, norming, and preforming (LeUnes 2011). These four steps are outlined in the video Creation of a Team (Remember the Titans). The first step is forming, in this stage the players are introduced to each other and the coach begins to show them what tasks and demands lie ahead of them (LeUnes 2011). The video shows, in the first scene, the players joking around, this is them getting to know each other, then the coach comes in and begins to tell them that this is going to be “no fun” and what he expects of them in terms of punctuality, and attire. This is the coach demonstrating the tasks and demands to the players. The second step is storming, this is identified by rebellion, conflict, and polarization, while the team members figure out their roles in the team (LeUnes 2011). This step is shown in the video through the conflict between what appears to be two of the team leaders, one from the white players, and one from the black players. They’re battling with each other over who’s playing hard, and the negative attitudes, and bad leadership. The coach allows the conflict to continue, which is important, as it is crucial for the team to figure out their own roles amongst themselves (Shields, Gardner, Bredemeier, Bostro 1997). Towards the end the players start to bond, as their roles become concreted amongst each other. The third step is norming, In which the group comes together as unit, and the team cohesion finally builds (LeUnes 2011). This is shown in the video by the players beginning to bond with each other, the tension goes away between them, and the atmosphere becomes much more friendly and positive. The final step is preforming, this is when the team comes together to pursue their team goal (LeUnes 2011). This is shown in the video in the final scene, with the team rallying to come from behind and win the cup in the final minute. These 4 steps together create team cohesion, and can lead to success in their performance.
Personal Factors Personal factors can affect team cohesion in both positive and negative ways. The more similar a team is in their attitudes, abilities, and common goals can aid team cohesion, while the more differences can hinder it (Yarmey 2013). This is evidenced in the video Remember the Titans Inspirational Moments, The first scene in which the coach is saying “we are a team we gonna change the way we run, change the way we eat, change the way we block” is instilling a shared attitude amongst the team, so each player is emphasizing the same techniques, and skills in the same way. To have them thinking alike will promote group cohesion (Yarmey 2013). The following scene, in which the coach is telling them to “take a lesson from the dead” he is giving them a common goal, a point to rally around and inspire them together. As the video goes on we see the teammates inspiring each other, getting themselves riled up with chants, and speeches, as the common goals and attitudes come together. These all are important to the formation of proper team cohesion (Yarmey 2013).
Personal Reflection In my experience I find that feeling safe amongst your team is on of they key parts to preforming to your fullest potential, this atmosphere can be brought to a team with the strong proper leadership. I have played soccer my whole life, but I never was able to preform at my best when with my team until high school. I was always too worried about judgements from my teammates, I never really felt like I was a part of any team I had played on. When I got to high school I was fortunate to try out and make the team with many of my friends, which helped me feel supported. However the biggest factor was the coach and team captain, they were very supportive of me, and were there to teach me if I went wrong, not too ridicule me or judge me. These qualities they both demonstrated for our whole team and it really brought us together. We were a young team in my first year, most of us new, and their leadership helped us mesh as team very quickly. The support that they lay down was demonstrated by the whole team, and it allowed me and everyone to grow together, and reach our full potential, with me even becoming team captain 2 years later. We had more success than any other team in the past 10 years at our school, and I believe it was mostly due to the strong leadership set down by the coach.
There are many important factors necessary for team success. Having a strong leader who will set a positive atmosphere and force your team to grow together will help build a strong team environment. As well as personl factors, sharing goals and attitudes are crucial for a team to come together to achieve something great. Everyone there has to be on the same page to be truly successful. Team development is important forms over a linear model, creating a team with strong group cohesion. Overall, being a strong cohesive team is the most important thing, and that is what can set you apart from the competition.