Graduate Certificate in Project Management
Lecturer: Maureen Boland
Student Name: Andrezza Fulfaro Ferreira
Student Number: 17104096
Due day: 14 October 2013
Word Count: 2,712 (excluding appendices)
Table of Contents
Cover page 1
Table of Contents2 Introduction 3 Self-assessment tasks3 Overview of relevant literature5
4.0 Applications and limitations7
5.0 Conclusions8
6.0 References9
7.0 Appendices – Self-assessments completed and results10
1.0 Introduction
For ten years I worked in a collectivism culture driven by high power distance, charismatic and team oriented leadership where managers had the ability to expect high performance outcomes, motivate and build effective teams for common purposes, and employees had low engagement in making decisions. I moved overseas and over the past five years I have been working in an individualistic culture driven by autonomous leadership, low power distance and encouragement of more open discussions to solve problems.
Consequently, because of the variances between my past and current cultural experiences, in part one I chose self-assessments to analyse what I have to keep, improve or change by adjusting myself into this current culture. In part two, I examined literature that explores cross-cultural organisational behaviour and leadership, collectivism and individualistic cultures. In part three, I essentially analysed the self-assessment tools to achieve better results at my work and to understand its limitations. A succinct conclusion to my work is provided in the end.
2.0 Self-assessment tasks
Self-assessments chosen and why
I selected four self-assessments based on cross-cultural leadership challenges that have arisen in the last three years since I started to work as an office manager in a culturally diverse environment. Furthermore, to be more successful in my current business and
References: Bennis, Warren. 2007. “The Challenges of Leadership in the Modern World: Introduction to the special issue.” American Psychological Association 62(1): 2–5. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X.62.1.2 Buchanan, David A Jogulu, Uma D. 2010. “Culturally-linked leadership styles.” Leadership & Organization Development Journal 31 (8): 705-719. doi: 10.1108/01437731011094766 #sthash.tA7oSvk3.dpuf Lok, Peter and John Crawford McShane, Steven L. 2006. Canadian Organizational Behaviour. 6th ed. University of Western Australia: Mc Graw-Hills: Testa, Mark R. 2009. “National culture, leadership and citizenship: Implications for cross-cultural management.” International Journal of Hospitality Management 28: 78–85. doi:10.1016/j.ijhm.2008.04.002 Zander, Lena, and Christina L