Nowadays, many students enter the university as a degree student when compared with the past few decades. But, it is fact that not everyone has a chance to enter the university after finishing secondary education. Therefore, some people propose that the government should make tertiary education compulsory for all Hong Kong students. Both sides of the arguments will be asserted and concludes that tertiary education should not be compulsory for all students.
According to wiseGEEK(2013), the definition of tertiary education is “ any sort of education a person will undergo after completing secondary education”. It means that tertiary education in Hong Kong not only includes degree, but also includes associate degree and high diploma. Although there are a large variety of courses offered to students, arguments between adoptions of compulsory tertiary education still exist.
For the benefit of deciding tertiary education to be compulsory in Hong Kong, it will equip the future generation with more skills that they can find more types of jobs when they are older. In this modern society, employers are seeking for labors possessing more skills or talent. According to Oecd Organisation For Economic Co - Operation And Development(2008), the unemployment rate of the people attaining tertiary education in Portugal is 11.7% while people attaining below tertiary education have a total of 31.5% in 2013. Although the situation in Hong Kong maybe different from Portugal, these figures are showing what finishing tertiary education can do on changing unemployment rate and poverty rate. People can have more choices of work after completing tertiary education. For instance, an accounting graduate can choose either to work in an accounting firm or a shopkeeper. But, it is impossible for a shopkeeper to be an accountant unless that person finishes the related study. If