Ana Hart
MBA 6030
What is leadership? Peter Drucker famously stated that “management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Great leaders possess social intelligence, a zest for change, and above all, vision that allows them to set their sights on the important aspects. Leadership always requires attention, maintenance and even sometimes a little modification. Within ourselves is an individual leadership philosophy that is the foundation of which our leadership style is built.
My Personal Leadership Philosophy
A leadership philosophy can be thousands of pages long, full of theories, diagrams, experiences, and include an endless list of considerations. According to the Harvard …show more content…
Business Review, this statement should be eight words and follow the following format: “Verb, target, outcome.” My personal leadership look thinking and time. With any philosophy there are steps that need to be taken in order to be successful. Sometimes these steps are taking a leap a faith, hoping that it will bring a change. As a leader I want to achieve greatness, lead by example and influence others. With that said my leadership philosophy is “Encourage cohesiveness, lead strategic teams, make a difference”.
Development of the Philosophy
Within the last three weeks I have been promoted from a coordinator to Department Manger of Swedish American Hospital.
With the promoting comes great responsibility. I started to work with teams. I want to build trust and lead by example and show my team that I trust others. This means trusting the team and colleagues. As a leader, it 's important to set an example. Team members need to see how critical trust is by demonstrating trust in them, as well as the colleagues. Working with a cohesive team/group is can be very difficult and team members are always watching and taking cues. It is important in my positions to have open communication, being able to be trustworthy and honest. As a new leader, I want my teams to be cohesive with one another and be able to influence others to make a difference or change the …show more content…
Review of the Literature
These last few weeks have made me look at a lot of things quite differently. Going into this class, I thought the idea of leadership was leading a group of people to a directed path. Since I am a manager at my current job, lessons I have learned over the last few weeks have made me be more successful in my position. In this class I have learned that leadership is inspiring/influencing others to pursue your vision within the parameters you set, to the extent that it becomes a shared effort, a shared vision, and a shared success. With the promotion that I have received and the lessons learned, it’s imperative for me to put these lessons into my personal work experience.
My promotion has directly influenced my personal philosophy. It has made me want to influence my team and colleagues to be the best they can. With this new title both power and influence have come into play. Power is the capacity to be able to produce effects on others (Hughes, 2011). With the power that I have, leading by example and creating a level of trust will produce effects on the team’s performance. Influence can be a change in the targets attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors (Hughes, 2011). As a leader I can change the level of satisfaction, motivation and cohesiveness. Since I am a new leader I do not want to disrupt the organizational climate and the work place behaviors. Being in a new position can be a challenge but it also can be rewarding by establishing a cohesive team.
Synopsis of the Philosophy Is there such thing as a born leader?
I believe leadership is an acquired attribute that begins early in school and on the playground. Some children develop take-charge attitudes, some make friends fast, while others are happy just to make the team. Being a new leader in my field, it is important for me to have a cohesive team, and able to lead a strategic team, while being able to make a difference. Being a new authority figure within the organization the employees and colleagues will look up to you and watch you’re every move to make sure the proper leadership is taking place. Being a motivated leader is important in any organization. As a department manager it is my responsibility to make sure all employees are motivated and satisfaction within their performance. Motivation takes direction, intensity, and persistence. I encourage everyone to aspire to be the best version of themselves each and every day. With time there will be new challenges that require new leadership skills, behaviors, and ways of communicating. With that said, as a leader new leadership approaches will have to be developed and established. The new leadership approach would have to be learned, limitations will need to be recognized, and being able to adapt a new leadership style to become a new ideal
In the end, my leadership philosophy is straightforward. By boiling it down to only eight words, my personal statement will help guide me in the future. Exploring lessons, materials and having experience is very worthwhile. It is easily forgotten that people leading us today are still actively learning about their own leadership and ultimately about themselves. Leadership is rather large subject that can’t be clearly stated without having thousands of definitions, but for me it’s “Encourage cohesiveness, lead strategic teams, make a difference”.
Hellwegg, E. (2010, October 22). Eight Word Philosophy. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved
December 6, 2014
Hughes, R., Ginnett, R., & Curphy, G. (2011). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience.
(8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. ISBN-10: 0078112656; ISBN-13: 978-0078112652
Shore, J. (2014, January 14). These 10 Peter Drucker Quotes May Change Your World. The
Entrepreneur. Retrieved December 6, 2014.